Dietary supplements provide us with adequate amounts of nutrients essential for building health. We put a lot of effort into manufacturing them. We focus on offering a viable, premium quality and well-researched comprehensive product portfolio of ingredient solutions, which are ideal to produce all forms of Dietary Health supplements.

We offer potential and scientifically valid product solutions to enhance human nutrition because of our rich heritage of food and pharma ingredient knowledge. Our concrete scientific-based approach and better infrastructural knowledge have helped us to give creative solutions and services to streamline the production process of health supplements with the highest regulatory and quality requirements.

As a result of our use of Microencapsulation technology, we have been able to provide stable forms and dependable ingredient solutions for dietary health supplement formulation.

We ensure that you always make high-quality products by using our custom bakery solutions. Our in-house experts work hard to come up with ingredients that make your products more appealing to the senses. Our variety of micro-encapsulated condiments can help to avoid reactions that could affect the quality of the finished product.

Address Your Common Product Issues With Us

The degradation of active ingredients in the course of production We help you overcome everyday product challenges Yeast and chemically leavened dough loss of leavening action.
The problem of heat, light, moisture and pH sensitivity The issue of mold growth Short shelf life span
Flavouring agents / Flavour enhancers The problem of nutrient loss during processing Moisture pickup problem

Our Most Popular Applications include

Emulsifier Preservatives Anti staling agents
Texturizer Anti-oxidants Bleaching agents
Leavening agents Dough-Conditioner Flavour enhancers / Flavouring agents

ourother Applications