A baby’s initial years are formative for his mental as well as physical growth. Healthy eating habits should begin during infancy. Infants' nutritional needs should correspond to their growth rate. Fortification is very essential in this regard. In this process, we encapsulate vitamins and minerals in the newborn formulae to enhance their nutritional value while preserving the purity to the max possible extent.

Address Your Common Product Issues With Us

Short shelf life span Yeast and chemically leavened dough lose their leavening action. The degradation of active ingredients in the course of production
Premature release and Pre- Reaction with other ingredients The problem of heat, light, moisture and pH sensitivity Moisture pickup problem
The problem of nutrient loss during processing The issue of mold growth Flavouring agents / Flavour enhancers

Our Most Popular Applications include

Encapsulated Maganese Encapsulated Copper Encapsulated Magnesium
Encapsulated Iodine Encapsulated Vitamin Encapsulated Potassium
Encapsulated Iron Encapsulated Calcium

ourother Applications