Meat producers base their business on product quality, superior preservation and efficient processing. An essential feature in the meat processing sector is to produce meat that appears and feels fresh. The meat must retain its flavour and aroma despite the extensive processing it undergoes. With the use of encapsulated substances such as salts and acidulants, we can meet the demands of this business by providing optimized process solutions. The control-release action of acidulants, salts, and preservatives in our products helps extend the shelf life and preserve the quality of meat by supplying stable acid levels, enhancing the manufacturing process, improving texture, and reducing microbial development.

Address Your Common Product Issues With Us

Taste and flavour delivery Microbial safety Maintain Texture and Color stability
Low cost contamination pH regulation Moisture Control
Protein denaturation

Our Most Popular Applications include

Antioxidants Stabilizer Preservatives

ourother Applications